The Dovre Alumni Excellence Scholarship
The University is the recipient of a generous donation to support engineering students via a prestigious excellence scholarship.
Funded by our Norwegian alumni group 'The Dovre Alumni Community', this programme will award up to two annual scholarships of £1,000 per student*.
The Dovre Alumni Community are an active alumni group based in Norway and continue to meet and support each other as a professional networking body.
Formerly engineering students of Sunderland Polytechnic, the group continue to advocate their passion for Sunderland by providing financial support to this programme.
*Students must be full time, undergraduate level and studying an engineering subject discipline.
How to apply

Applicants must complete the scholarship application form outlining how this excellence scholarship will support their final year of study.
Applications will be assessed by the awarding committee and selection will be based upon the following criteria:
- Applicants should be studying a discipline within the School of Engineering.
- Applicants must be in their penultimate year of study (including placement year) and on track for a high 2:1/first degree
- Clarity of proposal and benefit to the student.
Applications close on Friday 7th June 2024. Successful applicants will be notified in late June 2024.
View and download the application form
View and download the scholarship criteria
For further information or for an informal discussion please contact Dave Knapton, Principal Lecturer, Engineering
For information on the application process please contact the University's Development team on development.office@sunderland.ac.uk
The Development Office team are available to offer you advice or to answer any questions that you may have about your application.
Contact us on jo.dann@sunderland.ac.uk
Dovre Alumni Community Scholarship Case Studies