Twins Deborah and Sarah turned 21 and graduated with Firsts.
The sisters, both from Sunderland, had a week of celebration with their family after Deborah graduated BSc Biomedical Science and Sarah BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences – and both gained the highest degree classification possible.
Sarah said, “It was so much easier studying at the same time at my sister. We didn't do the same degree, but they were both science-based so we had each other as revision buddies, proof readers and for support.”
Deborah agrees: “Studying alongside Sarah was much easier. The support off my family and friends won't go unnoticed, but experiencing all the ups and downs together just cements the bond because we knew exactly how the other was coping and were able to help and guide each other through it.”
“They are both science based degrees, as we both love science,” add Sarah, “but I'm more of a sporty person who like to know how the body works and Deborah is more of a researcher who likes to know how the body can be treated. It just means we have a bigger group of friends now because anyone that meets one twin must meet the other!”
Now they have both graduated the twins’ paths seem to finally diverging – Sarah is planning to take up an internship and get some experience under her belt with the eventual aim of going into teaching, while Deborah is planning to study for a Masters degree.
Deborah says: “All through life we have experienced everything together; all the firsts, schools, travelling, and we've always had the mindset of this is where we want to be in life, this is how we'll get there.
“Being a twin is the best experience, you always have your best friend with you but we are different people. I want nothing more than to see Sarah succeed as a teacher but that career simply wouldn't excite me in the same way. Science has always been my subject of study and ultimately I want to work in research. Hopefully both gaining First Class degrees we have set ourselves up for a bright future.”