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Where Are You Now?

Peter Klauza

Peter Klauza

BA (Hons) Business Administration 1993

Writer, beekeeper, and self-employed carer Peter Klauza has enjoyed a varied and accomplished personal life and career. Peter started studying at the Sunderland Polytechnic and graduated from the University of Sunderland.

“It was a Polytechnic back in the day and at 23 years of age I wanted to broaden my horizons. I think I did that on a vast scale,” he explains.

As Peter describes in his first published book For Pete's Sake! A mountain to climb, his life goal was to climb Mount Everest. In the book Peter talks about the ups and downs of living with a mental health problem but at the same time achieving things that most people only imagine.

He says: “My name is Pete and one of the most important things that you need to know about me is that I have mental health issues. This has been both a curse and a blessing. The curse is that I’m not capable of holding down any job; the blessing is that I have tried to live out my dreams and fantasies. My life goal was to climb Mount Everest.”

He continues: “On my way to the summit there have been lots of side winding tracks which have taken me around Europe, Africa, cycling across Tibet on a pushbike, riding across China’s Taklamakan desert on a 125cc motorbike and trekking to Everest Base Camp.”

Asked about his biggest achievement to date Peter doesn’t hesitate in replying that it has been writing his book.

“Writing my book took me 14 years, it was undoubtedly the biggest achievement in my life. It's called For Pete's Sake! A mountain to climb and is available on Amazon,” he says. 

“Sadly, mental health is stigmatised and discriminated against. This book is my attempt at getting you to understand the realities of those who suffer from it,” he adds. 

Asked about his biggest challenge, Peter says: “It is staying sane in an insane world!” 

Peter is also a beekeeper and expert when it comes to bees and hive management and production. His business Ethical Bee Company cares for the environment and only works with committed beekeepers who have the skills to develop their colonies in a healthy ethical way, using their methodologies and advice.

Talking about his time at the University of Sunderland, Peter still remembers fondly John Vinton and Derek Watson. He says: “Two stand out lecturers for me were John Vinton and Derek Watson for their dynamic qualities.”

Peter’s advice to recent graduates entering the job market is to pick their strongest subjects.

He adds: “Look at niches in the job market, right now for example this country has a real shortage of radiographers.

“Recent graduates have it tough, you need something on your CV which makes you stand out from others. Outside interests can offer key strengths, especially if you've played a leadership role somewhere. Ensure you have great communication skills.”

As for his future plans, the Sunderland graduate is focused on living his life to the fullest. He is currently scuba diving in the Maldives.

He concludes: “I live in the moment these days because it's such an uncertain world in which we live in. Perhaps I'll complete my second book soon.”

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