"Looking back over these years it seems that my days at Sunderland were a dream. Why? Because I simply had a wonderful time and made a lifetime friends that I still have. It was a place for new opportunities and personal challenges.
"The Bachelor degree that I gained at Sunderland was the start key of my success; it allowed me to go to London and continue my Masters Degree in International Business and Management at the University of Westminster. After completing my Masters, I got offered a job to work at the world’s number one Oil & Gas Company, Saudi Aramco. I'm working there now as a Business System Analyst in the Domestic Joint Ventures Department. So, I’m proudly able to say now that without the University of Sunderland I would not be where I am today.
"My advice for current students would be to enjoy spending time in campus and socialising, and to think about their future while they're studying.
"Because time flies by so quickly without you knowing, you would find yourself wearing the graduation gown and step out those doors to the real world. Get ready for more success!"