Thank you for attending the Langham Tower Garden Party!

Thank you for attending the Langham Tower Garden Party, it was fantastic to see you there!
It was brilliant to see faces old and new, hear your stories, watch people being re-united and of course being in the building that a lot of you hold dear to your hearts. We had a great day and hope you did too.
A big thank you to Sunderland High School who generously opened their doors to us. They have asked us to let you know about the Heritage Days that are taking place on 10th and 11th September. Langham Tower's doors will be open once again for tours. The doors open from 10-11am and 2-3pm. For more information, please call Sunderland High School directly on 0191 567 7674.
Over 120 people attended the Garden Party, which is a magnificent turn out. Due to the demand we will be looking at running some other events for you and will be in touch in due course. Ideas for future events are always welcome.
Please click here to see the photos taken on the day.
Finally, we would love to hear your memories of your time at Langham, please email along with any photographs. If we get enough we will create a dedicated area on our online community. You can register for our online community by clicking here. This is a great way to keep in touch and find out about future events.